Being able to taste and smell are essential parts of enjoying everyday life. But for some COVID-19 long haulers, these senses can become extremely unpleasant. Some people experience a change...
Ser capaz de saborear y oler son partes esenciales para disfrutar de la vida cotidiana. Pero para algunos con COVID-19 de larga duración, estos sentidos pueden llegar a ser extremadamente...
Due to surgical risks, people with a BMI of 35 or higher haven't been eligible for a kidney transplant or to be a living kidney donor. However, a robot can...
La viruela del mono es una rara infección viral causada por un virus similar al que causa la viruela. El brote actual se ha propagado más entre las personas que...
In this fast-paced digital world, it's hard to be mindful about proper posture while moving through our daily lives. Yet over time, those hours of slumping, slouching, and scrolling can...
El embarazo tiene sus propios y únicos desafСòòò½APPos. Agregue una pandemia de Covid-19 y la situación se vuelve aún más complicada. Es importante contar con el asesoramiento de los profesionales...
Desde el comienzo de la pandemia de Covid-19, la coagulación de la sangre se ha identificado como un efecto secundario del SARS-CoV-2 y, posteriormente, como un efecto secundario, extremadamente raro...
Each year, the flu vaccine is updated because the influenza virus is constantly evolving. This is the same idea behind the new, FDA-approved COVID-19 boosters.
La dosis de refuerzo actualizada de COVID-19 está destinada a proporcionar una protección óptima contra las cepas actuales del virus. Los CDC recomiendan que todo el mundo reciba una dosis...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, blood clotting has been identified as a side effect of SARS-CoV-2 and later as an extremely rare side effect of some COVID-19 vaccines...
Nunca es demasiado pronto para empezar a cuidar la salud de su cerebro. Si adopta estos cambios en su estilo de vida, puede mejorar considerablemente su función cognitiva y su...
It's never too early to start taking care of your brain health. By adopting these lifestyle changes, you can significantly boost your cognitive function and overall well-being as you age.
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but school lunches are especially vital for keeping young learners attentive and energized throughout the day. Here are some...
Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Suicidio y un momento para concienciar sobre cómo todos podemos contribuir a la prevención del suicidio. El suicidio es una tragedia...
Perder a un hijo por suicidio es la peor pesadilla de cualquier padre. La mejor prevención es la comunicación: descubrir a tiempo que algo va mal y conseguir la ayuda...
Las lesiones en el fútbol suelen ser agudas o acumulativas. Las lesiones agudas son traumáticas, mientras que las acumulativas son el resultado de una tensión repetitiva sobre un músculo, una...
La polio, o poliomielitis, es una enfermedad causada por el poliovirus que puede tener consecuencias devastadoras si no se vacuna. La enfermedad ha exisitido durante miles de años, pero se...
Polio is a Сòòò½APP caused by the poliovirus that can have devastating consequences if not vaccinated. While the Сòòò½APP was eliminated from the U.S. in 1994, polio recently reemerged in...
Mammography screening is safe for all women who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet women should pay attention to the timing of their COVID-19 vaccine shots and breast cancer screenings.
Soccer injuries are generally either acute or cumulative. Acute injuries are traumatic while cumulative injuries result from repetitive stress on a muscle, joint, or connective tissue trigger that can progressively...
Suicide is a tragedy, but there is hope in the fact that many suicides can be prevented by caring individuals who recognize the red flags indicating that someone may be...
Suicide has been the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24 since 2014. The best prevention is communication—finding out early that something is wrong, and getting your...