Tonsillectomies are among the most common medical procedures that children undergo. They are fairly common among adults, too. Here are some reasons why a tonsillectomy may be needed.
Con la llegada del verano, también aumentan las actividades que ponen en contacto a niños y adultos. Estas circunstancias nos hacen más susceptibles de contraer infecciones oculares comunes, incluida una...
As summer heats up, so do activities that put kids and adults in close quarters. These circumstances make us more susceptible to picking up common eye infections, including a condition...
Your makeup may be overdue for some tender loving care. Taking care of your makeup means taking care of your eyes. Here are nine makeup tips to follow for healthy...
To date, lecanemab is the first traditional approval of a treatment for Alzheimer’s СAPP. Lecanemab holds promise for patients in early stages of the СAPP.
Ha llegado el verano y con él un calor sin precedentes. Nuestro cuerpo puede sobrecalentarse y empezar a averiarse, igual que ocurre con los coches en los dСAPPas calurosos. Esta...
Kids' vision is constantly developing, so whether they have special needs or require a slight correction, the stakes are incredibly high when it comes to getting the right prescription and...
Summer is here and with it is record-breaking heat. Our bodies can overheat and start to break down, just like cars do on hot days. This breakdown is known as...
Una hemorragia nasal puede asustar, pero la buena noticia es que la mayorСAPPa son inofensivas. Los expertos de U of U Health explican cómo tratar las hemorragias nasales y cuándo...
A nosebleed can seem scary, but the good news is that most are harmless. Experts at U of U Health explain how to care for your nosebleeds and when to...
While standing in front of a mirror, it’s natural to zero in on that one annoying flaw. But if that casual dislike has become more of an obsession, you may...
Cuando uno se mira al espejo, es normal fijarse en ese defecto molesto. Pero si esa aversión casual se ha convertido en una obsesión, es posible que se encuentre entre...
Ultimate frisbee is considered a “limited contact” sport, but it actually has quite a high injury rate. Learn about the most common injuries, and how to prevent and treat them.
Independientemente de la edad de su hijo, perforarle las orejas es una decisión personal. Lo más importante es asegurarse de que se hace en un entorno seguro y limpio.
Por muy bien que se sienta, sobre todo durante la temporada de alergias, los oftalmólogos advierten que no hay que frotarse los ojos. Puede ser difСAPPcil abandonar el hábito, pero...
No matter how good it might feel, eye doctors warn against rubbing your eyes. It can be hard to break the habit, but knowing that it can lower your risk...