La cirugСAPPa de la mano puede restablecer la función, la movilidad y el aspecto, de modo que el paciente pueda reanudar sus actividades cotidianas. AquСAPP hay algunos tipos comunes de...
Whether you’re tired of shaving or pained by waxing, laser hair removal may be a good choice for you. Here are some common questions—and answers—about laser hair removal.
Hand surgery can restore function, mobility, and appearance so the patient can get back to their daily activities. Here are some common types of hand surgery.
Vaping is often marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking or a tool to quit smoking. But it’s not a safe habit—the health effects of vaping can be irreversible and...
Seasonal festivities can be particularly challenging for those grappling with significant life changes. Trying something new can alleviate that stress and bring delight back into the holidays.
A total knee replacement can be a life-changing surgery. However, those who go through a total knee replacement wonder just what kinds of things they are able to do with...
En determinadas zonas geográficas, como Salt Lake City, las montañas forman un cuenco que no permite la salida de las partСAPPculas, lo que hace que se acumulen más contaminantes. Esto...
In winter, a weather phenomenon that often looks like a grey cloud hovering over a city can trap pollution and seriously threaten our health. Here's how to stay safe during...
A bicep bulge is an injury that typically results from a tendon tear and is sometimes referred to as a “Popeye deformity.” While accidents and unexpected injuries can happen, there...
You do Pilates. You go running. You consider yourself to be in good shape. Then, one day, you find yourself out of breath while carrying groceries up a flight of...
Si se siente solitario, no está solo. La soledad se ha convertido en un problema generalizado que afecta a un tercio de los estadounidenses. Sin embargo, puede tomar algunas medidas...
In the aftermath of a global pandemic, loneliness has become a widespread issue, affecting about one-third of Americans. However, you can take some steps to feel more connected to others...
La ceguera nocturna, también conocida como nictalopСAPPa, no significa que esté realmente ciego. Pero sСAPP significa que puede tener dificultades para realizar tareas como conducir de noche o moverse por...
Night blindness is frequently caused by certain health conditions, which are often easy to treat. Making simple lifestyle changes can also make a big difference.
En la sociedad actual, la discriminación por edad sigue siendo una de las formas de discriminación más generalizadas, aunque a menudo se pase por alto. Es importante cambiar cómo hablamos...
Whether intentional or not, ageist language is used in everyday conversations. And while most don’t think twice about it, ageism limits opportunities for older people and can diminish their sense...
Si alguien que conoce se está recuperando de un trastorno por uso de sustancias (TUS o SED, por sus siglas en inglés), esta época del año puede ser estresante y...
If someone you know is in recovery for substance use disorder, this time of year can be stressful and triggering, putting them at a higher risk of relapse. Trying to...
Around 47,000 fires occur during this festive season, resulting in over 500 deaths each year. But here’s the good news: preventing fires and burns is simple if you follow some...
Antes de que empiece a decorar la casa para las fiestas, tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: en esta época festiva se producen unos 47.000 incendios, con el resultado de más...