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The Most Meaningful Job I’ve Ever Had

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Mark Oberg holding whiteboard that reads, "Inclusion is important to me because..More different viewpoints yield the best thinking."

“As part of the information technology team, I get to see every part of Huntsman Cancer Institute,” says Mark Oberg, assistant director for the Computing and Technology Group (CATG) at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI). “Our team has the opportunity to support the incredible people providing care to our patients, the insightful researchers who discover new treatments, all those involved in the expansion of HCI, and the outreach efforts that broaden our impact.”

Mark began his career at HCI in August 1998. The first research building had yet to open, and he and the 300 other HCI employees were housed at the University of Utah genetics building. Today, HCI has expanded beyond what anyone thought possible, with more than 2,500 employees, more than 142,000 patients treated a year, and more than 500 research projects underway at any given time.

Throughout the years, Mark has seen relatives, friends, neighbors, classmates, and professional peers go through cancer. These experiences inspire him and reaffirm his commitment to giving back to HCI in any way he can—whether by donating a portion of his paycheck through payroll deduction or staying late and working on the weekends. It all adds up, he says, and what HCI has been able to accomplish is proof.

Mark says he is devoted to every detail of the institute’s mission, but the principle that inspires him most is “The patient first.” He has been an employee donor for more than 19 years.

“It is cliché, but it is true—cancer impacts everyone,” says Mark.

”The genius in the vision of Huntsman Cancer Institute is that it is a community effort. Giving back to HCI makes me feel like I’m truly a part owner in an organization that is propelling forward the fight against cancer.”

Mark’s commitment to HCI has never changed. There is never a lack of motivation for him to come to work each day and help make a difference in any way he can.

“Since 1998, I have seen Jon M. Huntsman’s vision form and progress to unimaginable heights,” he adds. “And I consider it an honor to be part of such a broad and vigorous effort in research, clinical care, and educational outreach initiatives. Working here and donating to the effort makes this easily the most meaningful job I have ever had.”

About Employee Giving

Do you participate in an employee giving program at your workplace? Is Huntsman Cancer Foundation (HCF) listed as one of the charitable giving options? Check with your human resources department to find out. If not, ask to have HCF included so you can contribute to cutting-edge research at HCI.

Huntsman Cancer Institute employees can participate in employee giving through automatic payroll deduction by filling out the .

Cancer touches all of us.