Talon Jarmen came into the world suddenly after 30 weeks gestation. Their time in the NICU taught Talon's family that they can handle anything—and that planning is overrated.
While being on bedrest at a hospital up north, my water broke at just 24 weeks gestation with triplets. This hospital knew they didn’t have the means to care for...
Deegan’s NICU adventure began in the early morning hours of July 11, 2015 with a rough start in the form of an emergency C-section after his mother developed placenta abruption.
Even Ruth was surprised to enter the world when she did, so she went straight to the NICU. She spent the next 31 days gaining her strength and learning to...
Mathew James Thatcher was born 2:46 am, weighing 4 pounds, 9 ounces, and Keegan Allan Thatcher was born at 3:10 am weighing 4 pounds 8 ounces. They, along with their...
Our NICU journey was very unexpected to say the least. I was diagnosed with COVID-19 in November of 2020. I had horrible symptoms, which ultimately affected my pregnancy.
Bentley was born at 27 1/2 weeks gestation, but was 4 weeks IUGR (intrauterine growth restricted). She weighed only 1 pound, 1 ounce when she was born. She spent 108...
Avery was born with an infection at 24 weeks gestation in 2019. He actually ended up with four different infections, hernias, and chronic lung Сòòò½APP. In the end we had...
For the 12th consecutive year, Сòòò½APP ranks in the top 10 nationally of the prestigious 2021 Vizient Bernard A. Birnbaum, MD, Quality Leadership Award.
HMHI is pleased to announce and welcome two new faculty to Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) and the Department of Psychiatry - a child and adolescent clinical psychiatrist and a...
Por lo tanto, la pregunta sigue siendo: ¿es necesario vacunarse si ya ha contraСòòò½APPdo el virus y recuperado de la enfermedad COVID-19? Los expertos en salud de la Universidad de...
Do you need to get vaccinated if you have already contracted and recovered from COVID-19? Сòòò½APP experts, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, say...
Meet Julian Thorne, MD, a chief resident in the Department of Psychiatry at Huntsman Mental Health Institute. He shares what his day-to-day routine is, what inspired him to become a...