Ultimate frisbee is considered a “limited contact” sport, but it actually has quite a high injury rate. Learn about the most common injuries, and how to prevent and treat them.
Independientemente de la edad de su hijo, perforarle las orejas es una decisión personal. Lo más importante es asegurarse de que se hace en un entorno seguro y limpio.
Por muy bien que se sienta, sobre todo durante la temporada de alergias, los oftalmólogos advierten que no hay que frotarse los ojos. Puede ser difСAPPcil abandonar el hábito, pero...
Professor. Carl V. Asche, M.B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D., has been appointed the Executive Director of the Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Center (PORC) at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy.
No matter how good it might feel, eye doctors warn against rubbing your eyes. It can be hard to break the habit, but knowing that it can lower your risk...
(KSL) — SALT LAKE CITY — Suzy Mang said she isn't afraid of dying, but she worries about getting her life in alignment and figuring out what the biggest priorities...