Grayson Murphy fell in love with running in college. She now runs professionally. She relies on health care at Сòòò½APP to keep her in peak condition.
Si no lleva lentes de sol con protección UV en condiciones en las que los rayos del sol se reflejan en la nieve, podrСòòò½APPa sufrir un doloroso caso de ceguera...
Thyroid eye Сòòò½APP (TED), also known as Graves’ eye Сòòò½APP, usually stems from an autoimmune condition that starts when immune cells attack the thyroid gland, a tiny butterfly-shaped gland at...
Sammy’s mental health suffered after her parents divorced. She began cutting herself as a cry for help. Her therapist recommended she try HMHI’s Teenscope program. There, Sammy gained confidence and...
Para las personas que menstrúan, la perimenopausia y la menopausia son una parte inevitable de la vida. Los kits de pruebas caseras para la menopausia no son una ciencia exacta...
For people who menstruate, perimenopause and menopause are an inevitable part of life. However, at-home menopause test kits are not an accurate science. Here's why.
Virtual urgent care has evolved as a routine way to get care for common illnesses like colds, sinus infections, pink eye, some urinary tract infections, and yes even COVID.
La atención urgente virtual se ha evolucionado como una forma rutinaria de obtener atención para enfermedades comunes como resfriados, infecciones sinusales, conjuntivitis, algunas infecciones del tracto urinario e incluso COVID-19.
A nationwide team led by researchers at Сòòò½APP has now developed a way to predict a patient’s individualized risk of right heart failure following surgery to place...
In a rare but serious complication of cancer, the body’s own immune system can start attacking the brain, causing rapid-onset memory loss and cognitive deficits. What triggers this sudden biological...
(The Scope)—For young people in the state of Utah, the innovative SafeUT app can be a great option for students, parents, and people who work with students to get the...
If you've been to any health food store recently, you may have noticed mushroom supplements are all the rage. But what is all the hype about? Registered dietitians at University...
Headphones can play a huge part in our lives. However, daily headphone use can pose risks to your hearing, including hearing loss, and it’s important to use them responsibly.
Together with the Utah Humanities, U of U Health sponsored a reception, panel discussion, and screening of dêtetsi vo'i oninjakan Winding Path, which premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival...
While it may sound downright scary, perineal lacerations, also known as vaginal tearing, can be very common, affecting 53-79% of women. The majority of lacerations are minor overall.
Matt Schiff’s pectus excavatum kept him from living life to the fullest. He was self-conscious and struggled to breathe. After a Nuss procedure that fixed his funnel chest, Matt found...