The COVID-19 virus impacts everyone differently. While most people will experience mild to moderate symptoms, a large population is more vulnerable than most.
Damaging misinformation about COVID-19 has prevented people from getting vaccinated. Experts at Сòòò½APP provides factual information about pregnancy, COVID-19, and vaccines.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are conditions that have occurred following COVID-19 vaccination in a very small number of people. They are much more common if you get infected with COVID-19.
COVID-19 booster shots are authorized for everyone 6 months and older to help protect yourself and others from contracting the virus and becoming severely sick.
Сòòò½APP supports Governor Spencer Cox’s decision to authorize booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines for all people living in Utah who are aged 18 and older. The Governor’s...
Just like everyone else, older adults deserve to be able to safely enjoy spending time with those who matter most to them. Hear from our geriatricians on the importance of...
Do you need to get vaccinated if you have already contracted and recovered from COVID-19? Сòòò½APP experts, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, say...
Por lo tanto, la pregunta sigue siendo: ¿es necesario vacunarse si ya ha contraСòòò½APPdo el virus y recuperado de la enfermedad COVID-19? Los expertos en salud de la Universidad de...
El doctor RodrСòòò½APPguez , Profesor de Medicina Familiar y Preventiva, y Vicepresidente Asociado de Equidad Sanitaria, Diversidad e Inclusión de la Universidad de Utah responde a nuestras inquietudes sobre las...
Medical professionals urge broad vaccination among Americans who had been waiting for full licensure of COVID-19 vaccines. The Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine in the United...
To address some of the myths and misconceptions, top experts in epidemiology, infectious Сòòò½APPs, and obstetrics and gynecology at Сòòò½APP provide factual information about COVID-19 and the...
Vaccinations for COVID-19 are becoming widely available with the goal of achieving "herd immunity"—a point at which enough people are immune to COVID-19 that the virus can no longer spread...