Randy Woolley started experiencing radiating chest pain while making candy for his family’s candy company. He was taken by life flight to University of Utah hospital. Randy was having a...
When a person experiences cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating, and blood is not pumped to the rest of the body. Instead of waiting for trained medical professionals, you can...
About 9 in 10 people who have cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. However, CPR can improve those odds, doubling or tripling a person’s chance of survival.
La insuficiencia cardСòòò½APPaca crónica afecta aproximadamente a 6,2 millones de estadounidenses, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. La buena noticia es que el tratamiento temprano...
Chronic heart failure, also known simply as heart failure, affects approximately 6.2 million Americans. The good news is that early treatment and lifestyle changes can extend your life.