The Kem & Carolyn Gardner Mental Health Crisis Care Center is partnering with The Road Home to provide mental health services for guests staying at the Men's Resource Center (MRC)...
On July 16, the 988 three-digit dialing code will launch in the United States (U.S.), offering the public easy-to-access lifesaving mental health resources. 988 will replace the existing National Suicide...
HMHI is hosting the first annual University-wide Mental Health, Brain and Behavioral Science Research Day. Research Day is an opportunity for faculty, students, and staff to learn about and share...
HMHI recognizes Department of Psychiatry faculty who have been promoted in rank in the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine. Promotions are awarded when an individual has achieved excellence in...
Meet Martin Freimer, MD, Assistant Professor (Clinical) in the Department of Psychiatry and a psychiatrist and geriatrician at Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI).
Collin Merrill, PhD, and Vincent Kopplemans, PhD, recently received K awards for their innovative research on Alzheimer's Сòòò½APP and alcohol use disorder, respectively.
Mental health challenges do not discriminate—anyone can be affected, just like a physical illness. But because of the type of work frontline responders do, extra support may be needed. That's...
Meet Joe Walker, MPA, TRS, CTRS, recreational therapist and Challenge Course Coordinator for the ROPES Course at Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI).
When you reflect on your day, what stands out the most? Chances are, it's something negative—because our brains are wired to latch onto the bad more than the good. Here...
Las escenas de violencia y las amenazas han sido cada vez más frecuentes en los campus escolares de todo el paСòòò½APPs. AquСòòò½APP se puede informar de cómo puede hablar con...
Nearly 20 percent of the adult U.S. population lives with a mental health condition, and LGBTQIA+ individuals are nearly three times more likely to be part of that group. It...
Scenes of violence and threats have been increasingly playing out on school campuses across the country.. Here's how you can talk to your children about school threats.