John Kestle, MD, professor of neurosurgery at Сòòò½APP, is the principal investigator on a major $10M National Institutes of Health-funded grant that is studying care improvements for...
The South Main Clinic at Сòòò½APP was awarded funding from Cambia Health to support innovative whole-person care strategies focused on eliminating disparities.
A multidisciplinary team of Сòòò½APP scientists has received a five-year, $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to investigate how variations in pollutant-sensing genes in...
Yoshimi Anzai, MD, MPH, has received the Marie Slodowska-Curie Award from the American Association for Women Radiology (AAWR), the highest honor presented to Women in Radiology and Radiation Oncology disciplines.
Mountain West Mothers’ Milk Bank Celebrates Grand Opening Thanks to Founding Sponsors. Utah’s Two Major Healthcare Systems, Сòòò½APP and Intermountain Healthcare, Have Come Together to Help Tiniest...
University of Utah distinguished professor of chemistry Peter Stang and professor of pediatrics Anne Blaschke were two of 168 academic inventors named as Fellows of the National Academy of Inventors...