After an extensive national search, Lee Dibble, P.T., Ph.D., A.T.C., FAPTA has been named chair of University of Utah’s Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training in the College of...
Сòòò½APP and the Salt Lake City Fire Department have partnered to train the next generation of physicians by initiating a physician scene response program, the first of...
People with lower back pain injury miss 11 more days of work in a year when they only receive treatments that are not recommended by medical guidelines compared to people...
Valerie Flattes, PhD, APRN, ANP-BC, has been appointed the inaugural Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) at the University of Utah College of Nursing (CON)—effective July 1, 2021.
After an extensive national search, Darrel S. Brodke, M.D., has been named chair of University of Utah’s Department of Orthopaedics in the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine, and CEO...
En un esfuerzo por proporcionar una atención más completa y coordinada a los pacientes con COVID-19 que siguen sufriendo los efectos persistentes de la enfermedad, Сòòò½APP ha...
Сòòò½APP today officially marked their partnership with the U.S. Army PaYS (Partnership for Youth Success Program) at a signing ceremony at the South Jordan Health Center. This...
New study refutes the notion that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color are at greater risk of COVID-19 complications because they have one or more previous illnesses or Сòòò½APPs.