After donating nearly 2,800 hours of time and more than 80,000 pounds of food over the past five years, volunteers from Сòòò½APP Care (UUHC) have been named...
A $1.3 million grant from the National Cancer Institute will allow a University of Utah lab and a Salt Lake City startup company to create software to help doctors tailor...
The prestigious honor is awarded by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to a scientist who has shown outstanding biochemical and molecular biological research, with particular emphasis on...
The University of Utah today announced the findings of an investigation into allegations of intentional tampering of a sperm preparation by a former University employee at a now-closed andrology laboratory...
Three neuro-ophthalmologists on team that found the use of an inexpensive glaucoma drug (acetazolamide), when added to a weight reduction plan, can improve and even restore vision for women with...
Robert E. Marc, Ph.D., director of research at the University of Utah's John A. Moran Eye Center, has been named by the International Society of Eye Research (ISER) as the...
A computational tool developed at the University of Utah has successfully identified Сòòò½APPs with unknown gene mutations in three separate cases, U of U researchers report in The American Journal...
In the race to unravel the medical mysteries surrounding the genetics of stroke, members of the International Stroke Genetics Consortium plan to cross the finish line together.
Twelve student teams garnered top honors from a field of more than 40 for inventing medical devices that may soon change the marketplace and improve modern medicine. Winning teams will...
(The Salt Lake Tribune) - The number of new shortages has dropped steadily over the past two years from a high of 267 in 2011, mostly due to a reporting...
(The Salt Lake Tribune) - New research shows suicides in Salt Lake County rise during periods of elevated air pollution, although these preliminary findings remain too hazy to determine what...
(Deseret News) - SALT LAKE CITY - Members of the media and mental health professionals met together Monday to discuss how they can work together to help bring hope, information...
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In the News
Apr 07, 2014
(KSL) - SALT LAKE CITY - When Sue Boerke was preparing for the birth of her first child, she felt delivering at home would be the best fit for her...
University of Utah neuroscientists report that when a region of the brain called the lateral habenula is chronically inactivated in rats, they repeatedly drink to excess and are less able...
(KSL) - Amy Steinbrech initially shrugged off an odd feeling while visiting her family in Lander, Wyo. The 40-year-old public relations professional woke up confused in the middle of the...
Building Bridges: Achieving a Community-Valued Approach to Personalized Health Care provided a unique forum for public and community leaders, health care providers, researchers and educators to come together to advance...