Technology is making it easier for patients and providers to interact, thus improving communication, safety and patient-provider relationships. New tools are helping patients become more actively involved in their care...
In the Intensive Care Unit doctors and nurses must make decisions that involve integration of massive amounts of data that is constantly changing. To cope with all this data they...
Scientists have had limited success at identifying specific inherited genes associated with prostate cancer. Researchers studied prostate cancer patients with multiple cancer diagnoses, many who would not be recommended for...
90 to 95 percent of ALS cases are "sporadic", meaning these patients had no clear family history of the condition, and therefore no indication that they were at risk. A...
The American Heart Association (AHA) awarded investigators at Сòòò½APP $3.7 million to conduct collaborative research to prevent and treat congenital heart Сòòò½APP. U of U Health is...
(HSRD) - This archive includes all plenary sessions, selected workshops, paper sessions, and panels that were held during the 2017 HSR&D/QUERI National Conference.
"Yarraman flu is a virus quickly infecting the U.S. .…" The mock announcement was enough to make readers worry. But when the name of the hypothetical illness was changed to...
Antibiotics were the wonder drug of the 20th century, but many bacteria have evolved resistance. According to the CDC, more than two million people in the United States develop bacterial...
Erhu Cao, Ph.D., assistant professor of biochemistry at Сòòò½APP, was named a 2017 Pew Scholar for his exploration of atomic-scale mechanisms to understand how cell membrane proteins...
Summer is the perfect time to get outside and into nature—but watch out for tiny hitchhikers. Unfortunately, as we go out to enjoy the summer sun, so do ticks.
Some women refer to their periods as "the curse." Now, a small group of raw vegan bloggers and YouTube stars are taking that sentiment quite literally, claiming that periods are...
(American Heart Association) - The team will use machine-learning data mining algorithms to approach congenital heart Сòòò½APP as a family Сòòò½APP to look at causes, as well as the impact...
A new study shows your efforts to read to even your very young baby are not in vain: Being read to as an infant is associated with better literacy later...
The challenge involves closely spraying aerosol deodorant on bare skin for as long as the person can stand it. It hurts in the moment, and can have lasting impacts as...
An NIH study found that couples in which both partners are considered obese may experience more difficulty conceiving than those in which only one is considered obese.
For years, women have been left with two choices when managing their menstrual cycle: use a pad or, if you were willing to brave the more invasive option, a tampon.