Deciding where to have a lung transplant procedure for lung Сòòò½APP is can have a big impact on the transplant outcome. Matthew Morrell, MD, medical director of the lung transplant...
Cold opens are a technique commonly used in television storytelling to grab the audience’s attention and keep them from channel surfing. BUNDLE OF HERS uses cold opens as well—the random...
Seasonal allergies are miserable. No doubt about that. But do some of the things you’ve been told to help prevent allergy symptoms really work? Pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner debunks some...
Eating a diet with good nutrition can be challenging. Luckily, experts can help us to eat healthier. The Wellness Bus travels around Utah offering free health screenings and education to...
Parosmia is a condition where a person’s sense of smell no longer works correctly. Caused by infections like COVID-19, head injuries, or other neurological conditions, this loss of smell can...
It may be more rare, but men can develop cancer in their breast tissue. Unfortunately, the survival rate for men diagnosed with breast cancer is significantly lower than women. Why...
Monkeypox is a contagious viral infection that can lead to severe, scar-causing rashes. While the virus is not particularly life-threatening to most people, the painful symptoms can last for weeks...