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You are listening to Who Cares About Men's Health?:

85: Man Meals Update 2: Suspiciously Delicious

Aug 17, 2021

The guys review their experience with cooking and homemade . Troy is victorious, hunting down a gourd and Scot learns to not always expect perfection in the kitchen. Nutrition coach and are back to talk through the recipes and walk us through next week’s .

Episode Transcript

This week's recipe is . If you make it, tell us how it was and post your pictures on our .

This content was originally created for audio. Some elements such as tone, sound effects, and music can be hard to translate to text. As such, the following is a summary of the episode and has been edited for clarity. For the full experience, we encourage you to subscribe and listen— it's more fun that way.

Scot: Tasty and easy-to-make man meals you can eat all week. Today, it's a very manly review of last week's recipes, stuffed spaghetti squash and the other optional recipe, the no-bake chewy granola bars. Then we'll also have a recipe for next week as well.

And by the way, hit the kitchen with us and share your story and photos at facebook.com/whocaresmenshealth. These recipes are there. You can find links to them. Get in the kitchen, see what you think, see if you like them, see what we can do to improve them. That would be awesome.

I'm Scot Singpiel from thescoperadio.com. I'm learning I enjoy making food, so that's cool. Here's today's crew. We've got co-host, Dr. Troy Madsen. He's the MD to my BS.

Troy: That's right.

Scot: And the guy my wife told me that he should talk more on the podcast, it's Producer Mitch in the mix.

Mitch: I'm here.

Troy: Just keep talking, Mitch. Just keep talking.

Mitch: All right.

Scot: And both of our guests today are from the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology at University of Utah's College of Health. We've got kitchen daredevil Thunder Jalili.

Thunder: Hi, everyone.

Scot: And the person who has the hardest job on the show teaching the rest of us how to cook, it's registered dietician and culinary coach Theresa D.

Theresa: Hello, hello.

Scot: You have just a cool last name. Now, it's just an initial. It's not even your whole name. That's how you know you've made it.

Theresa: I just read an article too about cooking therapists, and I think I should be a cooking therapist. I think that would work with this group.

Troy: Does this mean you are therapy for those who do not know how to cook, or use cooking to provide therapy for other things?

Theresa: I think it could go both ways, but mostly anxiety in the kitchen.

Troy: Oh, sign me up. Since you brought that up, Theresa.

Theresa: I'll call you later.

Troy: I hope you don't mind me starting this out with an analogy. My wife once invited me to a Zumba class, and I went to the Zumba class.

Thunder: I can just picture it now.

Troy: I had never been to a Zumba class before. We were on the back row, but there was a mirror on the front so people could see other people. At the end of the class when it was over, my wife asked me, "Were you making fun of the class, or were you actually trying?"

And I will say that is how I felt last week talking about my experience in the kitchen. Everyone here knows what they're doing. I am clueless. And that's how I felt in the Zumba class. I did not go back to Zumba after that. I have come back here.

Theresa: Yes.

Troy: So I'm still with you.

Theresa: Win.

Troy: I came for my second Zumba class. I'm still here.

Scot: All right. I think you're going to find though, Troy, the more you do this, the better it's going to feel. I think you are.

Troy: I will say that's the case already. Yeah.

Thunder: It couldn't get worse.

Troy: It could not get worse. You're right. Technically, it could. This whole parchment paper thing, as I'm putting this in the oven, I'm like, "Is this going to catch on fire? Is this going to be the next episode about my oven fire?" It could get worse, but it didn't.

Theresa: That's great.

Scot: Thunder is always there for some support.

Troy: Exactly.

Scot: Back-handed support in a way.

Thunder: I'm here for you.

Troy: Thanks, man.

Scot: All right. So let's go ahead and we'll start with a review of the stuffed spaghetti squash. We'll go ahead and start with Mitch. Any thoughts on that? Did you like it?

Mitch: I did. And I think the thing that I was the most surprised about was just how much food it actually made. The spaghetti squash looks small, but when you start to scoop things up and fill it up, I think we ended up getting almost six meals out of the recipe.

Scot: Wow. It's cool too because the spaghetti squash, you can scrape that thing to the shell. You can use every little bit in there. That's pretty awesome.

Troy, how'd it go for you?

Troy: It was great. I am now a fan of spaghetti squash. And this, again, pushed me a little bit. I had to find someone in the store and ask them, "What is a spaghetti squash?"

Theresa: Yes. I love it.

Troy: I did. I had to.

Thunder: Is it in the pasta section?

Troy: "Is it next to the pasta?" So this nice lady in the store then, who works there, of course, she had a couple of smaller ones. She's like, "Oh, let me go get you a good one." So she went to the back room and brought a nice big spaghetti squash out for me. And it's cool. This is cool. It's fun to eat.

Scot: Wow. Special treatment there. I like that.

Troy: Yeah.

Theresa: Troy, did you find the olive bar?

Troy: I did. Our olive bar, though, it's still not an open olive bar. They have an olive bar with everything packaged so they don't have it all exposed, but I did find the olive bar.

I'll tell you the way this happened if you're interested. I went to the store for something else and then I said to myself, "I am really overthinking this cooking stuff. Why am I doing this?" And so I tried to pull up the recipe on my phone and I couldn't get a connection in the store, and I'm like, "I remember what to get." I remember Thunder talking about the olive bar. So I went there. I found olives. They did not have sun-dried tomatoes, but I remembered that. I found that. I remembered the spaghetti squash, so I'm like, "Hey, I can do this."

And so I found most of the stuff. Just remembered what we talked about. I tried not to overthink it and got everything together, and it was much less stressful. It was like, "I can do this." I got the nice spaghetti squash. It was not the cheap stuff. It was in a glass bottle, and so . . .

Scot: The spaghetti squash was in a glass bottle?

Theresa: The sauce.

Troy: I wish the spaghetti squash was in a glass bottle. I just gave it away. No, the spaghetti sauce was in a glass bottle.

Scot: Got it. Sorry.

Troy: Yeah. I think in multiple levels I was just like, "I'm just going to do this. I'm overthinking it." And overall, it was a good experience in that sense. Just not stressing about it, just like, "Hey, I can do this. I remember what I need. I can make this happen." And found the stuff and it all worked out.

Theresa: That's great.

Scot: Hey, Theresa, you teach a lot of cooking classes to people probably at all levels. I think what Troy is discovering is it's really hard to screw things up in the kitchen.

Theresa: Yeah. We can try and take a step back, and a lot of this is this analysis paralysis. We're trying to overthink it. We're trying to be that Food Network chef, that Instagram influencer, or what have you. And we really just need to . . . especially when we're starting out, you need to take that step back and remember those basics.

And if we think about some of the basics that these recipes have introduced us to, sautéeing, chopping things, roasting, buying pre-prepared and then adding a bunch of fresh stuff to it, it can be a lot easier than what we're holding ourselves to these unrealistic expectations.

Scot: Yeah. And even if it doesn't turn out, it's still good. I had a little botch story I'll tell here today, but it still turned out good.

Theresa: That's right. And at least you know that, "Most of the time, well, I know that it may not be amazing, it may not be a Michelin restaurant caliber, but all of the ingredients are good. I followed food safety. It's cooked through. I don't have raw beef in here or something of the sort, and it's probably going to taste better the next time I make it." So learning experience.

Scot: The spaghetti squash. So I've got just a few questions here, and then if anybody else has any questions or comments that they want to dive a little more deeply into.

Theresa, these are just rapid fire. Okay? So how does spaghetti squash freeze? It seems like it's really full of a lot of water. Is it going to not be good if I freeze this?

Theresa: No. Don't freeze it. Awful.

Scot: Okay. So this is one of those ones you've got to . . .

Theresa: Yeah.

Scot: Okay.

Theresa: Do it fresh. You can save the squash. You could save it and not prepare it until earlier or think about your different steps, but don't make this dish and then put it in the freezer.

Scot: Okay. And when a recipe says two cups of spinach, chopped, does that mean I take two cups of pre-chopped spinach and then chop that, or am I supposed to chop up the spinach until I get two chopped cups?

Theresa: I love this. This is so what I was going to talk about during this episode. In the recipe that we're going to make, it has some of this recipe jargon that is helpful to know. It's not the end of the world. Again, it's still going to taste really good if you mix it up, but it makes a little bit of a difference in the taste and quality.

So, for example, the recipe today will call for "one cup parsley, chopped," or if the recipe were to say one cup chopped parsley. So it's a matter of when you measure it. If it says "one cup of parsley, chopped," then you start with one cup of loose leaves and chop that up. But if it's saying one cup of chopped parsley, then you want to chop until you fill up a cup.

Scot: Got it.

Theresa: A full cup of parsley.

Mitch: When do you learn that in your life? Is it just right now or is it . . .

Theresa: Right now is when you learn it, Mitch.

Mitch: Because I've cooked for a long time in my life and I'm just like, "Wait, what?"

Theresa: It's just like algebra. What do you do first?

Troy: It's the order it's in.

Theresa: Is it parentheses? Is it addition or multiplication? That's all. There you go.

Scot: All right. Yes. So, in the squash recipe, it's "two cups baby spinach, chopped." So I take two cups of whole leaves and then chop those up.

Theresa: Correct.

Scot: All right. Yeah. We're rocking and rolling.

Theresa: You would just have a little extra spinach. It probably wouldn't equate to all that much extra, but in some things like parsley or herbs that really chop down fine, it would make a strong difference.

Scot: Yeah, it would make a flavor difference. With spinach, it's just kind of . . . It was a really tasty recipe. I got a ton of leftovers. I looked up how many calories and carbs spaghetti squash has. Literally none. I think one cup is nine grams of carbohydrate and one and one-half of that is fiber. The beans in there have more carbohydrates than the spaghetti squash.

So it was really, really filling and really, really good. I ate it cold today from my leftover and it was great cold.

Theresa: I was just going to ask how did you guys think about repurposing it? Or did you just eat it as was for leftovers?

Troy: I ate it for leftovers. I heated it up in the microwave last night. And it's funny, I just left the whole . . . I didn't scrape it all out. I just left the quarter spaghetti squash there. So I've got a couple of those in the fridge. But I heated it up. The outside of the spaghetti squash really heated up. When I touched it, it was really hot, and the inside of it wasn't super warm, but it was still good though. I enjoyed it.

I will ask something that Mitch wanted me to ask but was too embarrassed to ask. Does spaghetti squash give you gas?

Mitch: It's a legitimate question.

Troy: This was on our group text. Mitch brought it up, if anyone else might have experienced a little bit of upset.

Theresa: I would say no, but it's always possible because there's lots of . . . Do you have issues with other carbohydrates?

Mitch: Not typically. No.

Theresa: Okay.

Thunder: Maybe it was just a bigger fiber load than you're used to eating at one time, Mitch.

Mitch: That could have been it. Sure.

Scot: Because those beans . . . the spaghetti squash has fiber, but those beans also have a lot of fiber in them.

Thunder: Yes, they do.

Theresa: It's true.

Troy: I'll admit too . . . I kind of put Mitch on the spot, but I did feel a little bit of stomach unsettling maybe two or three hours afterwards as well. So I wondered if maybe there's just a lot of fiber content in there, but it sounds like there probably is.

Theresa: That would be my guess, is the fiber piece. If you think about . . . the sun-dried tomatoes are really condensed from a fresh tomato.

Troy: That's probably what did it.

Theresa: The olives, similar thing. The beans, the spaghetti squash, certainly. The greens, depending on how much spinach you put in. It's certainly high on the fiber content from your typical roller food.

Troy: Higher than the taquitos.

Theresa: I have to. Every week, I've got to bring it in, Mitch.

Mitch: That's fine.

Troy: That makes sense.

Mitch: So it's not like anything is wrong. It's just fiber is good for you.

Theresa: Yep. And as you get used to higher fiber content in your meals, that should decrease.

Mitch: Okay.

Theresa: You're training your gut.

Mitch: I guess one of the things that I was wondering was . . . it seemed like I had a bit of sticker shock as I was scanning one jar after another. It just seemed like it was a bit pricier than I was used to.

Theresa: Very valid. And this is where looking at where and how we buy our items and then reusing them . . . So this is sometimes challenging when we're trying a recipe for the first time and we don't know if we're going to like it. So if you're buying jars of these items, it's quite possible that you had some left in that jar. You didn't use the entire jar.

And this is where maybe some of those grocery stores that have an olive bar where you can just purchase the amount that you need for the recipe . . . So if you only needed a half a cup, that's all you have to buy instead of needing to buy the one to two cups' worth that's in the jar.

Look at other store options as well. Trader Joe's does some of these items less expensive. Those kinds of things are a great way to look at some of these alternatives.

So certainly, it's a valid question, valid concern with this particular recipe. I would also argue, though, at the same time when you think about the quantity that it made . . . It gave Troy six meals' worth for one or two. That's a significant amount of food that it made. So pricing it out per meal, hopefully, would be considerably less. Yes, the initial purchase can sometimes be a bit of a shock.

Troy: And I will say I priced mine out, because I'm curious about this too. I priced mine at about $20 for everything. And admittedly, I did forget to get the artichoke hearts. I would have liked to have had those and I didn't remember until I got home. I was like, "Ugh, artichoke hearts." So that probably would have added on another $5.

But you're right. I think if you look at $20 and you spread it over four or five meals, it's not crazy high. But it seems like there are variations you could do on that. Maybe you don't do the sun-dried tomatoes and maybe you just do the olives or something. Because I found . . .

Thunder: Oh, sun-dried tomatoes are the best part.

Troy: Okay.

Theresa: Or if you didn't like the olives . . .

Troy: You're right. They are the best part. Maybe you don't do the olives.

Theresa: Or doing canned olives. You could do canned olives. Artichokes, there are frozen artichokes and those are fantastic as well.

Troy is exactly right. You could certainly modify this and make it a little bit less expensive of an initial punch.

Troy: You're right, Thunder. That was my mistake. I would not remove the sun-dried tomatoes. Those were amazing. So maybe the olives . . .

Thunder: I'm glad you're a convert to the tomatoes now.

Troy: Yeah. Big fan.

Scot: All right. Let's move on to the granola bars. The official title . . . what was this?

Theresa: No-bake chewy granola bars.

Scot: All right. Yeah. How did that go for you guys? Let's start with Troy.

Troy: I did not make it to recipe number two, unfortunately.

Scot: I've got to tell you, it was pretty easy. So if you want to try it at some point, it doesn't take that long and it was pretty simple.

Troy: I would like to, yeah.

Scot: How about you, Thunder? Did you do the granola bars?

Thunder: Yeah. So, actually, like the good parent I am, I delegated and had my daughter do it.

Troy: Nice.

Scot: That's not the point. The point is us make them.

Thunder: Well, I was in the kitchen at the time in a supervisory capacity.

Theresa: And what were you drinking, Thunder?

Troy: Love it.

Thunder: We had one modification. We didn't do the brown sugar. I think it actually turned out really, really good. And we used a special kind of chocolate chip that my wife found that I guess are some sort of baking chocolate chip, but that ended up being one of the good parts of the recipe.

So bottom line is I think it was a bit more crumbly because we didn't add the brown sugar, but I thought they tasted great. And as long as we ate them chilled, they were fantastic.

Scot: I've got to say Mitch's picture of his look like it was straight out of a food magazine compared to how mine turned out. Mitch, talk to us about the granola bars.

Mitch: I find these suspiciously delicious. The question I have, because I don't have it readily available . . . We ended up swapping . . . we did some Kashi Go rather than puffed rice to make it a little more protein-rich. What is the caloric density of these things? I've had to run up to the hospital a time or two. I've been grabbing them just as a quick lunch.

Thunder: It's high.

Mitch: They are so tasty, though. I'm just concerned. I'm very concerned.

Theresa: And especially with putting in the Kashi Go, it's certainly upped it from what it was. So if you just made one batch and cut it into the, I believe, nine servings that it was allotted for, which would be a fairly good size bar, they're about 300 calories.

Mitch: Okay. That's like a meal replacement.

Theresa: So then with the Kashi Go, I'd probably add another . . . probably if you did that fully instead of the puffed rice, it's probably another 25 to 50 calories. So it's a very dense snack, yes.

Thunder: Mitch, did you cut them into . . . did you actually make nine bars or did you cut them into smaller bars?

Mitch: I cut them into nine, and I just . . .

Theresa: Portion control on this one.

Thunder: So you didn't have just one big bar.

Mitch: So one of the things I think I run into a lot with my own nutrition is I get into that health food blindness where I'm like, "These are healthy. Theresa told me I could eat as many carbs as I wanted." And then I have two of these and then it's like, "Oh, no."

Scot: I don't think she said you could eat as many carbs as you wanted. I think she said you could eat the rice, but I don't believe she . . .

Mitch: Yes. All right.

Thunder: Well, one thing to think about is we actually made them into smaller pieces when we did them. They're like bite-sized pieces, so maybe about an inch or inch and a half or something.

Theresa: And also, if you're thinking about having it as a snack, but realizing that you're eating a lot of them, certainly think about how many you portion and take with you. Another thing to think about is that I have something else alongside it. So maybe I have a low-fat plain yogurt.

Thunder: Like an exercise bike?

Theresa: An exercise bike. Hopefully, you're walking around work. Or an apple. Something fresh along with it.

Mitch: I have been having an apple with a full-size bar, so I need to re-evaluate my life. Okay. Cool.

Scot: Well, I don't know if . . .

Mitch: Good to know.

Thunder: Nothing wrong with a full-size bar in the right circumstance. But I think if you're just popping them as a snack, it's probably a bit much as a snack. So maybe half a bar, a third of a bar, or something.

Mitch: Okay.

Scot: I'm treating it as a dessert, really. Just a little something afterwards. And mine didn't come out in bar form. I think where I made the mistake was I put the liquid part in the microwave. It came out bubbly and hot. And then I think I waited a little too long and it hardened up, so it didn't mix very well. So I need to work on my kitchen technique, but they were good. This is one of those cases, Troy, where it didn't come out like . . . it wouldn't be something I'd want to take to a party because they look terrible, but they taste great.

Troy: They tasted good.

Scot: So even though it was a little bit of a failure, it was not a failure because they are absolutely delicious. And I could even see maybe taking these and putting these in the bottom of a bowl, just a few of the crumbles, because mine really crumbled up, and put a little ice cream on top of them. That would be a good little dessert.

Theresa: I was thinking yogurt, but yeah, ice cream works too.

Scot: Yogurt is even better because then you get the protein in the yogurt and the fat in yogurt to help slow down the sweetness in the granola bars. That's brilliant.

All right. On to next week's recipe. It looks really, really good. It looks light and summery. I can't wait to learn more about it. Theresa, what are we making next week?

Theresa: Zesty lentil salad.

Scot: What do you think, guys? Zesty lentil salad.

Troy: I'm already intrigued.

Thunder: It sounds great.

Troy: I like all three of those words.

Theresa: Nothing from Mitch.

Mitch: You like lentils?

Theresa: Mitch, hold on to me. Hold on, Mitch.

Mitch: I'm here.

Theresa: Because it's a salad. However, I don't want you to cringe too much because it's not a salad in the sense that lettuce and iceberg is your base.

Mitch: Yeah. Okay.

Theresa: So hold with me. It's a warm salad. And I use salad a bit loosely because we're essentially just mixing things together like you would, say, a fruit salad. Well, there's no lettuce in there, but we still call it a salad. So we're mixing things together in a giant bowl.

So we had talked I believe the first week about wants or goals or desires of this class and something of this conversation was talking about lentils. And so here is an awesome lentil recipe for you guys to try. And talk about having leftovers. This one is going to give you leftovers. So this is going to be a great combination of lentils and bulgur and some nice fresh veggies as well as a homemade dressing that you'll put on the top.

Troy: So you just said a word there I've never heard before. What was that?

Thunder: Bulgur?

Scot: Bulgur.

Theresa: Bulgur?

Scot: Yeah. It sounds like somebody that was in "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe."

Troy: Exactly. Who's Bulgur and where do I find him?

Scot: Bulgur. Bulgur smash.

Troy: Exactly. What is that? I have no idea.

Theresa: So it's wheat. It comes from wheat.

Troy: Okay.

Theresa: And it is considered a whole grain, less processed than if you were to, say, have wheat pasta, or wheat bread, or something of that sort. But you can find quick-cooking bulgur and it'll cook up in about 10 minutes. It's a two-to-one ratio similar to rice, two cups of water to one cup of bulgur. And it's a really great addition to your grain repertoire. A lot of people think about quinoa or rice or couscous. I put pull bulgur in there as well. It has a nice nutty, roast-y flavor to it without adding a whole lot.

Troy: Where does one find bulgur?

Theresa: You'll find it with the other grains. So Bob's Red Mill makes a really great one. So if you're in either the baking aisle or in sometimes the Italian pasta aisle where maybe they have cornmeal or polenta or packaged quinoa, things of that sort, it should be there. It can sometimes be in the cereals, though, too.

Thunder: I was going to mention, don't give Troy any hints. It'd be more entertaining to watch him try to find it.

Troy: I know. I have learned my lesson.

Thunder: All the places you mentioned I don't think he could find anyway.

Troy: Yeah. Well, number one . . .

Theresa: This could be one that you find that produce lady and say, "Hey . . ."

Troy: Yeah, I need to find that nice lady again.

Theresa: Or look at your store app. If you're at a store that does have an app function, this would be a great thing because you can put in bulgur and it'll tell you exactly where in the grocery store it's located.

Troy: Intrigued.

Scot: I bought the ingredients for this while I was buying the ingredients for the spaghetti squash thing and I had a hard time finding the bulgur. One store I went to, I couldn't find it anywhere. The other store, I found it in their . . . not the health food aisle, but the natural foods aisle is where I ended up finding it.

Troy, like Theresa said, look for the Bob's Mill brand and you're going to look around quinoa and that sort of thing. So it could be in two or three different places just depending on your grocery store.

Troy: Sounds like an adventure. We'll see.

Scot: Yeah.

Troy: We'll see how this . . . Are there any alternatives? Let me ask you that first. Are there any alternatives to bulgur? Rice?

Theresa: Sure. You could do rice. I would more so suggest something like quinoa or couscous.

Troy: Okay.

Thunder: I was thinking couscous would be a good alternative.

Theresa: Or if you really want to go out, millet would be a . . . But that'd be probably just as hard for you to find as bulgur.

Troy: So get wheat and . . .

Scot: No, you're not milling anything, Troy. Millet is a thing you buy. You're not going to go down to the creek where the mill is with the big mill wheel.

Troy: I swear you said, "Mill it." But now I understand what you said. I get it. I thought you were just seeing how far I was going to go with this, but I get it.

Scot: So is this going to be a main course then, or is this a side, or what's your recommendation on that, Theresa?

Theresa: It's both. You'll see on the recipe I have that it makes 6 main courses or entrees and 10 sides. So this is a really great one that you can really multipurpose. So it's great the first night that you make it. Maybe eat it warm if that works with your timing, because it's really yummy warm. But then for lunch the next day, it's awesome cold as well, or putting it into a pita and having more of a sandwich-type or a wrap or something like that would be really great too.

Scot: And if you're using it as a side, what would be a good type of food to eat with this then?

Theresa: Oh, I would do grilled chicken. I could do some sockeye salmon. It's summertime, so throw something out on the grill. That would be really awesome with it for sure. Thunder's sautéed tofu would be a good topper. It's nice and zesty and kind of Mediterranean, Eastern, Middle Eastern, and so you could think about any of those poultries. A lighter poultry or fish would be really great.

Scot: Let's go around the room here. Troy, let's start with you because you have the most questions normally, so maybe we'll get everybody else's questions. Do you have any questions? Any concerns? You got the recipe there?

Troy: I think I'm ready to try it.

Scot: Do you know what an English cucumber is?

Troy: I will probably find an American cucumber, but . . .

Scot: Do you know how to tell the difference between English cucumbers and American cucumbers?

Thunder: Is it the accent?

Scot: Well, yeah. You go, "Hello, governor," and if it goes, "Hello, how are you?"

Troy: Yes. That will be me talking to the cucumbers.

Scot: "Mighty cheeky today, aren't you, Dr. Madsen?" Then it's an English cucumber.

Troy: If it's wearing a top hat, I'll purchase it. What am I supposed to look for?

Theresa: If it's wrapped in plastic, long and wrapped in plastic, it's an English cucumber most of the time.

Troy: Okay.

Scot: All right.

Theresa: They tend to have fewer seeds, they have a lower water content, and so they work really well for something like this. If you were using a traditional cucumber, say, that you were harvesting out of your garden maybe, or your typical American cucumber from the grocery store, they tend to be really waxy. So I would suggest peeling it as well as scraping out a lot of the seeds in the middle, or it's going to make the salad really watery. Find that produce lady.

Troy: I will find the lady. I've got to find her.

Theresa. Or gentleman. There are plenty of good produce men as well.

Troy: I'm sure there are.

Thunder: So my question about this recipe . . . when I was looking at it, it looks like it's going to create a massive volume of food, and I'm pretty sure I can't freeze it. Would it be okay to cut everything in half, and could I still mix everything?

Theresa: Yes, certainly. This one fairly easily could go in half, yes.

Thunder: Okay. Good.

Scot: Mitch?

Mitch: We'll see. I have suspicions also about lentils, but we'll see how this comes together. Troy, the thing that I've been doing lately is that I've just been doing the pickup, the grocery pickup. So I don't even need to hunt in the store to find things.

Theresa: Nice.

Troy: Oh, you just put everything on there and someone finds it for you.

Thunder: That's like cheating.

Troy: It is cheating.

Mitch: Yes, her name is Mary. It's been every Wednesday for the last month. I know her. We chitchat. It's great. So she's like, "Oh, getting something different this week." And I'm like, "Yes, I am." So I will . . .

Theresa: You should share the recipes with her.

Mitch: I might have to, but that's just it. So that's how I've been skipping the "Where on earth is this item in the store?" So that's my tip.

Troy: That's a really good strategy. I didn't even think about that. That's actually a good idea. I may do that. I think I can find most of the stuff.

Thunder: Troy, it's part of the adventure.

Troy: I know. It is part of the adventure. I have to say it is, and I have found some new things I hadn't really found before. So this looks pretty straightforward though. The bulgur, that really threw me off, but everything else on here . . . The English cucumber, now that you've described it, I think I can find that. Everything else looks pretty straightforward.

Scot: All right. Can't wait to try zesty lentil salad. We'll talk about it next week along with another brand new recipe from Theresa. And we would love it if you'd join us in the kitchen. Try these recipes out. You can find them at facebook.com/whocaresmenshealth. We're posting the recipes there. You can post your comments and pictures there. We'd love to have you just be a part of this and let us know what you think in the kitchen along with us with "Who Cares About Men's Health."

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