Colonoscopy & Endoscopy Prep Instructions
To prepare for your appointment, we encourage you to do the following:
- Fill out the registration forms below and bring them with you to your appointment.
- Review the patient instructions prior to your appointment (if you are visiting one of our clinics for an endoscopy procedure).
Please call the clinic if you have any questions regarding your paperwork or procedure prior to your arrival.
Registration Forms
Colonoscopy Prep
Read Prep Instructions
- Prep Instructions for Colonoscopy-Extended Miralax/Gatorade
- Prep Instructions for Colonoscopy or EGC (Colonoscopy with EGD)
- Diabetes Additional Colonoscopy Prep Instructions
- Prep Instructions for Colonoscopy PEG-ES (Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte Solution)
- Prep Instructions for Colonoscopy-Extended PEG-ES (Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte-Solution)
En Español
- Preparación para su colonoscopia o colonoscopСòòò½APPa con EGD (Miralax-Gatorade)
- Preparándose para la colonoscopСòòò½APPa (Uso extendido de Miralax-Gatorade)
- Instrucciones adicionales de colonoscopia para pacientes diabéticos
- Preparación para su colonoscopСòòò½APPa PEG-ES (polyetholene glycol)
- Preparación para su colonoscopia PEG-ES (polyethylene-glycol-electrolyte solution extendido)
Video Prep Instructions
Find video instructions below in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
Colonoscopy Prep Tips & FAQs
It's normal to be nervous before getting a colonoscopy. But by preparing ahead of time, you can make your experience less stressful.