La ola de Omicron no ha terminado. Y la variante más reciente puede ser la cepa más contagiosa del virus SARS-CoV-2 hasta ahora. La subvariante BA.5 es ahora la cepa...
Si su hijo está luchando contra la obesidad y los problemas de salud mental asociados a ella, usted puede capacitarle para alcanzar y mantener un peso saludable al tiempo que...
If your child is struggling with obesity and any associated mental health issues, you can empower them to reach and maintain a healthy weight while boosting their self-confidence.
If you've suffered a traumatic brain injury, your friends and family will be relieved once you're in recovery and may think that you no longer need their constant support and...
El 988 es el nuevo número de tres dСòòò½APPgitos que ofrece recursos de salud mental accesibles para salvar vidas. Este nuevo número reemplazará la LСòòò½APPnea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio...
El verano ha llegado y eso significa largas horas de sol y diversión en las barbacoas del patio trasero, los parques acuáticos y los partidos de fútbol. Mientras disfruta de...
Summer has arrived—and that means long hours of sun and fun at backyard barbecues, water parks, and ballparks. If you're out in the sun, be sure to follow these protection...
Summer is a wonderful time of year. However, fire and burn injuries do not take a summer vacation. Knowing a few safety tips and following these recommendations can help ensure...
If you are starting or considering recovery, you'll need to understand why you got addicted to drugs and how they changed your behavior. You'll also want to know what you...
If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, your physician may recommend a low FODMAP diet to identify foods that contribute to your digestive problems. Here's how a FODMAP diet can...
Americans suffer approximately two million ankle sprains each year. While an overwhelming majority of patients recover quickly from these ligament injuries, a subset may suffer from recurring sprains.
Las vacunas COVID-19 ya están disponibles para los niños pequeños de Estados Unidos que tienen entre seis meses y cinco años de edad. Esta tabla compara las dos vacunas COVID-19...
COVID-19 vaccines are now available for young children in the U.S. who are six months to five years old. This table compares the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized for this age...
Con el reciente aumento de precios de los comestibles, puede ser un reto poner comida en la mesa sin arruinarse. AquСòòò½APP compartimos algunas formas sencillas de comer bien con un...
Bodies of water—especially lakes and rivers—are contaminated with bacteria and organisms. If you swim in them, you're at a greater risk of developing an eye infection. John A. Moran Eye...
With grocery prices on the rise, it can be challenging to put food on the table without breaking the bank. Here are some simple ways to eat well on a...