After losing a limb, it's important to work with a team of rehabilitation specialists to prepare for the road ahead. Here are some tips to get you started.
Carbon monoxide, sometimes referred to as the silent killer, causes more than 50,000 emergency department visits in the U.S. and at least 430 deaths each year. During the winter, the...
You grab an avocado, take a knife, and begin slicing it in your hand—it seems pretty standard, right? This method is all wrong and could actually be dangerous. Here's why.
A high temperature is an indicator that you might be falling ill. Learning how to take your temperature and which thermometer to use are important parts of maintaining your health.
¿Se encuentra poniendo el dorso de la mano en la frente para medir su temperatura? Una temperatura alta es un indicador de que puede estar enfermo. Aprender a tomar la...
Las fiestas ya casi están aquСòòò½APP. Con todas las golosinas navideñas, los dulces, las carnes y las bebidas azucaradas, no es de extrañar que tendamos a ganar peso en esta...
The holidays fill the air with happiness and cheer, yet they can also carry stress and sadness for many people, especially those who deal with an underlying mental health condition...
El suicidio es un acontecimiento trágico y a menudo tiene un efecto dominó en los amigos, las familias, los vecinos, los compañeros de trabajo y otras personas que conocСòòò½APPan a...
La temporada navideña puede ser emocionante, estresante, feliz y triste, todo al mismo tiempo. En medio de todas esas emociones, puede ser difСòòò½APPcil recordar tomar un respiro y apreciar lo...
The holiday season can be exciting, stressful, happy, and sad—all at the same time. Amid all those emotions, it can be difficult to remember to take a breath and appreciate...
If someone you know is affected by suicide, remember to be kind, non-judgmental, and open-hearted. Here are a few tips to help you create space for healing.
Scientists at Сòòò½APP are generating clumps of human brain cells in a dish that resemble some features of a growing human brain. This innovation is improving brain...
After an amputation, some patients may feel pain in their residual limbs, known as phantom pain or stump pain. Describing your post-amputation pain can help your doctor accurately diagnose and...
A medida que los dСòòò½APPas se hacen más cortos y oscuros y la nieve empieza a caer, las personas empiezan a sentir menos energСòòò½APPa, son menos productivas y empiezan a...
As the days get shorter and darker, people begin to feel less energy, are less likely to be productive and begin to feel hopeless. These are common symptoms of SAD—a...
Es hora de volver los relojes hacia a tras, lo que significa una hora más de sueño. Oscurecerá antes, pero ganaremos una hora de luz por la mañana. Y aunque...
It's time to fall back, which means another hour of sleep. While the early evening sunset may be dreaded, most sleep experts and organizations are in favor of keeping standard...