After pushing their bodies to the max, sometimes elite athletes will collapse at the finish line. What is happening in that moment, and how do these runners cool down and...
Easing the transition back-to-school? We've got your covered! Our experts offer ways to equip your school-age warriors for a victorious school year. Learn how to create a backpack kit designed...
¿Quiere facilitar el regreso a clases? Nosotros le ayudamos. Nuestros expertos le ofrecen formas de equipar a sus guerreros en edad escolar para un año escolar victorioso. Aprenda a crear...
Infertility can be a challenging and emotional time for people trying to grow their family. While primary infertility is often discussed, secondary infertility can be just as difficult to navigate.
The term skin-to-skin refers to a newborn baby laid usually on the chest of their mother immediately after birth. Learn some of the amazing benefits to both mom and baby.
¿SabСòòò½APPa que es posible sufrir un infarto y ni siquiera darse cuenta? Los infartos silenciosos presentan pocos o ningún sСòòò½APPntoma, o sСòòò½APPntomas que quizá no relacione con un infarto.
As we age, our bodies have a way of reminding us that gravity is not on our side. This is especially true for the many women who experience pelvic prolapse.
If your lip balm isn’t cutting it, it’s time to take a deeper look at prevention and treatment remedies to get those dry and flaky lips feeling refreshed.
Coloboma is a rare eye condition that occurs when the eye does not fully develop into a complete sphere during gestation. This can cause an abnormal pupil shape or lead...
Strabismus is a condition where the eyes are misaligned. This misalignment can cause significant vision issues as well as emotional distress, especially in teenagers and young adults.
Estrabismo es una afección en la que los ojos están desalineados. En lugar de trabajar juntos como un equipo, un ojo puede girarse hacia dentro, hacia fuera, hacia arriba o...
Even with the air conditioning on blast, sometimes it’s not enough to beat the heat—especially when it comes to sleep. Here are some tips to help you keep cool when...
Es otro dСòòò½APPa de verano y no se ve el final de las temperaturas abrasadoras. Incluso con el aire acondicionado a tope, a veces no es suficiente para combatir el...
It’s important for athletes to properly nourish their bodies for top performance. But different sports and events require varied yet balanced eating patterns.
Life can be challenging—bringing emotions of fear, sadness, uncertainty, stress, or anxiety. During these times, having confidence in yourself may not come easy. However, positive affirmations can help.
Mountain biking can be a risky sport, requiring specialized equipment and sometimes taking place on difficult terrain. That’s why it’s important to keep these safety tips in mind before you...