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Massage Guns: How to Use Them Safely and Effectively

Massage guns have become a popular tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, offering quick relief from muscle soreness. Whether you are looking for a post workout tool to improve recovery or a method for pain relief, massage guns can be a great at-home option.

Benefits of Using a Massage Gun

Beyond workout-related benefits, massage guns also assist in injury rehabilitation and can potentially help to break up scar tissue.

Some other benefits to using a massage gun include:

  • Muscle tension reduction
  • Improved circulation
  • Stimulation of the lymphatic and nervous system
  • Facilitation of lactic acid release
  • Increased mobility, flexibility, and pliability

When Should I Use a Massage Gun?

You should use a massage gun for sore muscles after a workout or three to five days after an acute muscle strain for injury recovery. Massage guns are particularly beneficial for muscular tissue and respond well to sore muscles.

Are Massage Guns Safe to Use?

Massage guns are safe to use as long as they are used properly. It’s important to follow best practices and be aware of which areas of the body to avoid in order to prevent injury.

Here are some tips for the safe use of a massage gun:

  1. Avoid extra pressure: Let the massage gun do the work. Applying extra pressure can cause more harm than good.
  2. Limit time on one area: Spend only two to three minutes on any muscle group or area.
  3. Use appropriate settings: Start with a slower, lighter setting until you feel comfortable, then gradually increase the intensity.
  4. Keep it perpendicular: Hold the massage gun perpendicular to the muscle area for better results and comfort.
  5. Ask for assistance for hard-to-reach areas: For spots like your back that are hard to reach with a massage gun, it’s ideal to have someone help you out.

Areas to Avoid

While massage guns are relatively safe, you should make sure to use them only on certain areas of the body. These are some of the areas to avoid:

  • Bony areas: Using the massage gun on bony prominences can irritate tendons and bursa sacs. This includes the chest and the rib cage.
  • The neck: Be especially careful on the front of the neck, where arteries, nerves, and veins are located.
  • The groin area: Avoid using a massage gun on the groin area to prevent injury.
  • Injured skin: Do not use the massage gun over bruises, cuts, abrasions, or scabs.

Which Attachment Should I Use?

Most massage guns have different attachments that can be used for different areas of the body or for different purposes. This is how the most common attachments can be used:

  • Flat: Suitable for all body muscles
  • Round: Versatile but great for the large muscle groups of the body
  • Fork: Designed to straddle the spinal column and massage the muscles of the spine
  • Bullet: Ideal for deep tissue and trigger points

While there are benefits to using this at-home equipment, in some cases it is best to turn to a professional.

“A massage gun is great for a quick and easy feel-good treatment, and they can be beneficial,” says , a physical therapist at СAPP. “But it won't replace the hands of a trained professional.”

If you have persistent pain or specific concerns, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional.