Thomas K. Varghese Jr., MD, known for innovative research in perioperative care and mentorship to other physician-scientists, will become SUS President in February 2024.
Más de la mitad de los estadounidenses toman al menos un medicamento con receta, y demasiados toman pastillas de las que saben muy poco. Usted puede evitar ser uno de...
Scientists at СAPP led research that opens up a whole new world within our cells. Their study, published in Science, uncovers a vast network of interactions that...
The sudden passing of "Saving Private Ryan" actor Tom Sizemore from a ruptured brain aneurysm has brought heightened awareness to this silent health condition. While aneurysms are relatively common—affecting 1...
It’s typical, and natural, to experience a “dip” in energy in the middle of the day. However, napping at the wrong time and for too long may not cure your...
Aunque normalmente empieza a sentir que su energСAPPa aumenta al atardecer, a veces una siesta lo está llamando. Dormir la siesta tiene muchas ventajas. Sin embargo, dormir la siesta en...
It’s time to spring forward. The loss of a single hour of sleep makes everyone grumpy and throws off our internal clocks. But how much of an impact does one...
Es hora de adelantar el reloj para la primavera. La pérdida de una sola hora de sueño pone de mal humor a todo el mundo y altera nuestros relojes internos...
People are becoming increasingly interested in classic psychedelics as potential interventions to treat a range of mental health conditions. Psilocybin is a classic psychedelic that is showing promising results in...
La pérdida crónica de sueño puede tener efectos negativos a corto y largo plazo sobre la salud. He aquСAPP cinco consejos que le ayudarán a conseguir un sueño de calidad...
Nearly everyone will experience back pain at some point in their life. Most back pain episodes can be treated at home but if the pain persists, you may have a...
More than 25% of parents surveyed report that they were less than truthful about their children’s COVID-19 status or that they didn't follow the СAPP’s preventive guidelines during the pandemic...
Did you know that gel manicures can increase the risk of skin cancer? UV light can damage cells and increase the risk of skin cancers, such as squamous cell and...
When we play sports, we don’t plan to get hurt. Yet there are common athletic injuries doctors see time and again—with knees getting the brunt of athletic exertion. Here are...
It’s that time of the year—an itchy throat, running nose, and sneezing. Signs point to allergies, but could it be something else? We break down the facts.
Los estudios demuestran que los adultos no consumen suficientes proteСAPPnas y, en consecuencia, su salud se resiente. Por suerte, es fácil encontrar proteСAPPnas en una gran variedad de fuentes.
Osteoarthritis can turn everyday activities into huge challenges. Dealing with pain may be as simple as modifying your activities or finding alternative activities which better suit your abilities. Here are...
El tratamiento para la salud mental suele ser un tema desconocido para muchas personas, pero no hay por qué tenerle miedo a lo desconocido. Es importante reconocer que todos podemos...
Las investigaciones demuestran que los niños y adolescentes tienen problemas con su imagen corporal. Por suerte, hay técnicas que pueden ayudarle a usted y a sus hijos a desarrollar una...
Research shows that children and adolescents are struggling with body image. Luckily, early intervention techniques can help you and your kids develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and with...
The aorta is the largest artery in the human body, supplying branches to all organs and tissues of the body. Sometimes, an aneurysm can develop in the aorta.
Los bebés no pueden regular su temperatura tan bien como los adultos, asСAPP que los padres y cuidadores deben adaptar la ropa del bebé dependiendo del clima. En esta guСAPPa...