SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — In an effort to address mental well-being, more physicians are inquiring about patients' mental health during routine visits.
We've all been there, debating whether to let our hair air dry or reach for the hairdryer before hitting the hay. But is sleeping with wet hair truly harmful?
Compared to other high-income countries, the U.S. has a high rate of maternal mortality, and in Utah, substance use is the leading cause of pregnancy-related death.
New research suggests that hospital electronic health records (EHRs) that are difficult to use are also less likely to catch medical errors that could harm patients.
La ansiedad puede ser un problema a cualquier edad. Sin embargo, hay momentos en los que la ansiedad se convierte en algo más que algo momentáneo o temporal en la...
Which brings us to Craig's story. He knew from an early age that the state with the powder he wanted was Utah. Fortunately, U of U Health also has the...
Dr. Christopher Makarewich from the University of Utah and the Salt Lake City Shriners Hospital returns to the show to discuss his recent research on guided growth in achondroplasia. The...
Anxiety can be a problem at any age. It's a part of life. However, there are times when anxiety becomes more than a momentary or temporary thing in a child's...
A stroke can come out of nowhere, and it can be permanently life-altering, both for the victim and for their friends and family. However, just as the severity of a...
Ciertos alimentos y bebidas pueden relajar demasiado el músculo, haciendo que el ácido suba hacia el esófago. Este reflujo provoca una sensación de quemazón, que va desde el esternón hasta...
Los abortos espontáneos pueden ser un momento devastador y profundamente personal para una familia. Sin embargo, existen muchos conceptos erróneos sobre los abortos espontáneos y, en última instancia, cada persona...
Miscarriages can be a devastating and deeply personal time for a family. However, there are many misconceptions about miscarriages, and ultimately every person and every pregnancy is different.
Los almuerzos escolares son especialmente vitales para mantener a los jóvenes estudiantes atentos y con energСòòò½APPa durante todo el dСòòò½APPa. AquСòòò½APP tiene algunos consejos para preparar un almuerzo saludable para...
Certain foods and drinks can relax the muscle too much, causing the acid to drift up into the esophagus. This reflux creates the burning sensation—heartburn—that runs from your breastbone up...
U of U Health Plans offered Community Benefit funds to local community-based organizations that assist with providing direct access to health care services for low-income and underinvested populations across the...
Thirteen percent of Americans—about 38 million people—suffer from migraine, and every one of them has a different experience with the condition. However, with new treatments on the market during the...
Puede parecer sorprendente o imposible, pero una sobredosis por consumir demasiada cafeСòòò½APPna es posible. Descubre los peligros de la cafeСòòò½APPna.
It may seem shocking or impossible, but an overdose from consuming too much caffeine is possible. The truth is that exposure to high and even deadly levels of caffeine is...
On August 25, 2023, state and county leaders, local philanthropists, Huntsman Mental Health Institute, and the University of Utah celebrated the placement of the final beam during a topping out...
When it comes to the swing, so much precision is involved in the body mechanics, optics, posture, and grip. Essentially, it takes much more than sheer raw talent to score...
Offering solid food to your baby is an exciting time. But the excitement can suddenly end when they refuse to eat their favorite food. Nearly all kids have a period...