For people with long COVID, symptoms can last months or even years, making a return to normal life feel impossible. Who's at risk, and what treatments are available?
Michael Martinez, a former mountain biker and bodybuilder, faced a life-changing diagnosis when he discovered he had a metastatic brain tumor originating from kidney cancer. With the support of U...
Es tarde por la noche, y está completamente despierta empapada en sudor y con el calor recorriéndote el cuerpo. Mientras su corazón se acelera, se pregunta: "¿Qué está pasando? ¿Es...
Mary Brickey, an artist, teacher, and mother, faced a life-altering motorcycle accident in October 2022, resulting in the loss of her leg. Despite the severe injury, multiple surgeries, and six...
Comer como un atleta olСAPPmpico significa algo más que consumir el número adecuado de calorСAPPas. Saber qué, cuándo y cómo comer en función de las exigencias de su deporte puede...
Eating like an Olympian means more than just consuming the right number of calories. Understanding what, when, and how to eat for the demands of your particular sport can give...
El humo de los incendios forestales de verano puede viajar cientos de millas, lo que puede causar estragos en nuestra salud y permanecer en la atmósfera mucho después de que...
Smoke from summer wildfires can travel hundreds of miles, which can wreak havoc on our health and float in the atmosphere long after the smoke has cleared. Here are some...
Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital continues to rank among the nation’s top rehabilitation hospitals and moved up 20 spots in the U.S. News & World Report.
The U.S. News & World Report 2024-2025 Best Hospitals Rankings have rated University of Utah Hospital #1 in Utah, the John A. Moran Eye Center is ranked #10, and Craig...
As you watch the world’s best athletes compete, keep in mind the common injuries that gymnasts encounter, how to prevent them, and effective treatment options for all athletes—from beginners to...
The new results could ultimately help lead to interventions that help spark creative thought or aid people who have mental illnesses that disrupt these regions of the brain.
El 9,3% de las personas que contraen COVID durante el embarazo desarrollarán COVID prolongada. Algunos de los sСAPPntomas son fatiga, problemas gastrointestinales y sensación de agotamiento por las actividades rutinarias.
9.3% of people who get COVID while pregnant will go on to develop long COVID. Common symptoms are fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and feeling drained or exhausted by routine activities.
Rituals can help us focus, plan, silence negative self-talk, and reduce stress or anxiety. They are steps we take to lift us up and keep us going. But how do...
Casi el 15% de las parejas son estériles, lo que significa que no se han quedado embarazadas después de intentarlo durante al menos un año. Pero no es sólo cosa...
Nearly 15% of couples are infertile. But it's not just a women's issue. Both genders can have problems that affect fertility. Here are some stats and facts on the male...
No cabe duda: Es increСAPPble ver a los atletas olСAPPmpicos. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus habilidades aparentemente sobrehumanas, tienen las mismas necesidades sanitarias y vulnerabilidades que el resto de...
There’s no doubt about it: Olympic athletes are truly incredible to watch. Yet despite their seemingly superhuman abilities, they have the same health care needs and vulnerabilities as the rest...