Social media influencers often promote “age defying” skin care products, encouraging young followers to prevent wrinkles and crinkles as early as possible. However, the impact of these products on young...
Research shows that children and adolescents are struggling with body image. Luckily, early intervention techniques can help you and your kids develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and with...
Dating among teens is common and can even be healthy for emotional and social development. But it’s critical that teens learn the signs and risks of an unhealthy relationship early.
Las escenas de violencia y las amenazas han sido cada vez más frecuentes en los campus escolares de todo el paСAPPs. AquСAPP se puede informar de cómo puede hablar con...
Scenes of violence and threats have been increasingly playing out on school campuses across the country.. Here's how you can talk to your children about school threats.