Treating Complex Pain Conditions
The physical therapists at Сòòò½APP's Pain Management Center are trained in treating complex pain conditions. The therapist will evaluate each patient to determine how the pain condition is affecting overall function and develop a plan of care to maximize that function.
This generally includes education in a home exercise program (HEP) and self management techniques (SMT). Both are designed to allow each patient to move more comfortably during his/her required daily activities allowing for improved activity tolerance and quality of life.
Home Exercise Program
A home exercise program will typically include practice in:
- Coordinated breathing.
- Stretching/range of motion (ROM).
- Cardiovascular exercise.
- Trunk stabilization.
Self Management
Self management techniques include practice in:
- Posture/positioning.
- Body mechanics.
- Self massage/trigger point release.
- Activity pacing.
Additional Treatment Techniques
When appropriate, treatment may also include:
- Manual therapy techniques.
- Progressive strengthening.
- Aquatic therapy referral.
- Other physical therapy referral.
We use concepts from many different therapy techniques in developing our treatment programs including yoga, Feldenkrais, and myofascial release.