Quizá se quedó dormido sin quitarse los lentes de contacto. O quizá se distrajo y se puso dos lentes (o más) en un ojo y ahora no puede localizar uno...
En nuestra vida cotidiana, es fácil dar por sentadas algunas de nuestras funciones corporales básicas. Por eso es tan importante proteger las cuerdas vocales, sobre todo porque se utilizan a...
When we go about our daily lives, it’s easy to take some of our basic bodily functions for granted. That’s particularly true with the voice, which is why it’s so...
For high school student athletes, injuries of any kind during football practice or games occur at a higher rate than any other sport. While many of these injuries aren’t serious...
A new study will take a closer look at the viability of flu and coronavirus after aerosol-producing events in hospitals. As the COVID pandemic began to unfold in late 2019...
El Informe Anual SafeUT 2022-23 resume las estadСòòò½APPsticas clave sobre la aplicación estatal SafeUT relacionadas con la utilización, los chats y las intervenciones para salvar vidas, las amenazas a las...
Halloween is an exciting time for kids, but for those with food allergies, it can be difficult to manage. This can take a lot of fun out of the holiday...
The SafeUT 2022-23 Annual Report outlines key statistics about the statewide SafeUT app related to utilization, chats, and life-saving interventions, school threats, and the impact on National Guard and frontline...
A new study from substantiates previous groundbreaking research that rumination (overthinking) can be reduced through an intervention called Rumination-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (RF-CBT).
Si tiene 65 años o más, tenga en cuenta estas cinco vacunas para prevenir enfermedades graves y mantener una buena calidad de vida durante muchos años.
Nearly 70 Million U.S. Adults are Struggling but Unlikely to Seek Help; Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Ad Council Offer Resources and Inspiration.
After surviving a life-threatening MRSA infection, Gary Jones experienced chronic pain. Although surgery saved his life, it damaged his ability to use his right hand. Gary was unable to continue...
If you are 65 years or older, please consider these five vaccines to prevent serious illnesses and maintain a good quality of life for many years to come.
Si está pensando en disfrazar sus ojos este Halloween, ¡cuidado! Las consecuencias de utilizar lentes de contacto sin receta para disfraces, de venta libre o por correo podrСòòò½APPan ser realmente...
El centro Rocky Mountain para la salud laboral y medioambiental, una asociación entre la Universidad de Utah y la Universidad Estatal de Weber comprometida a la protección de los trabajadores...
If you’re thinking about disguising your eyes this Halloween, beware! The consequences of using non-prescription, over-the-counter or mail-order costume contact lenses could be truly frightening.
Each of us has needed to clear our throat at some time or the other—whether we are making a presentation or feeling a tickle in the back of our throat...
Mike McFarland's lifelong health complications have never slowed him down. His plans to complete a marathon were delayed after a training injury. He found support and healing through the RESTORE...
Special agent and golf-enthusiast Paul Weyland spent hours on the golf course unaware of his spine damage. He sought heat-powered Intracept treatment after a rare infection made his pain unbearable.
Each fall, kids of all ages join league or school teams to play flag or tackle football. Whichever type of football a child plays, parents may worry about safety on...
Todos hemos necesitado despejarnos la garganta alguna vez, ya sea para hacer una presentación o para sentir un cosquilleo en la parte posterior de la garganta. Aunque no suele ser...