Thirteen percent of Americans—about 38 million people—suffer from migraine, and every one of them has a different experience with the condition. However, with new treatments on the market during the...
It may seem shocking or impossible, but an overdose from consuming too much caffeine is possible. The truth is that exposure to high and even deadly levels of caffeine is...
When it comes to the swing, so much precision is involved in the body mechanics, optics, posture, and grip. Essentially, it takes much more than sheer raw talent to score...
Offering solid food to your baby is an exciting time. But the excitement can suddenly end when they refuse to eat their favorite food. Nearly all kids have a period...
Ofrecer alimentos sólidos a su bebé es un momento emocionante. Pero la emoción puede terminar de repente cuando se niega a comer su comida favorita. Casi todos los niños pasan...
¿SabСAPPa que las bacterias buenas de su cuerpo le ayudan a mantenerse sano? Se trata de los probióticos, una combinación de bacterias y levaduras vivas que viven en nuestro organismo...
The word “bacteria” has a bad rap, conjuring up images of infection or illness. But did you know that good bacteria in your body actually helps keep you healthy? These...
Do digestion problems have you writhing in pain after most meals? It's possible you have irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Consider these diet hacks to help manage the symptoms.
Alrededor del 10-15% de los adultos de Estados Unidos padecen del sСAPPndrome del intestino irritable, o SII. Y sólo el 5-7% de los adultos estadounidenses han recibido un diagnóstico de...
Avoid getting sidelined by focusing on your stride length, which is the distance covered between the spot where one foot hits the ground and the next time that same foot...
The body mass index, or BMI, predates the bathroom scale by more than half a century. But it has not changed with the times. Learn how doctors suggest to measure...
El СAPPndice de masa corporal, o IMC, es anterior a la báscula de baño en más de medio siglo. Pero no ha cambiado con los tiempos. Aprenda cómo los médicos...
En esta nueva era del marketing de influencers, estamos inundados de vСAPPdeos virales de expertos no médicos que promocionan productos para la salud y el bienestar, incluyendo productos alternativos para...
Falsehoods about menstrual products are widespread. No matter how convincing that TikTok video may be about “all natural” makeshift sanitary products, it’s important to be aware of the health risks...
La amenaza de enfermedad grave por el virus respiratorio sincitial, o más conocido como VRS, es alarmante para nuestros seres queridos más vulnerables: los bebés pequeños y los adultos mayores...
The threat of severe illness from respiratory syncytial virus, better known as RSV, is startling for our most vulnerable loved ones: young babies and older adults. Now, there is promising...
Did you know that without UV-ray-blocking sunglasses, your eyes can also suffer sunburns? Photokeratitis is the term for sunburned eyes, and it happens when intense sun exposure over many hours...
Sabemos que la radiación ultravioleta (UV) puede provocar quemaduras solares que nos exponen al riesgo de padecer cáncer de piel, pero ¿sabСAPPa que sus ojos también pueden sufrir quemaduras solares?
No two spinal cord injuries are the same. There are different causes, symptoms, and therapies for SCIs, but one thing they all have in common is a major life change...
La implantación de rituales de regreso a clases y tradiciones anuales coherentes proporciona a los niños la seguridad y estabilidad que necesitan para prosperar, al tiempo que refuerza los lazos...